title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 What in the world is there to post about?

The sameness of everyday is about to drive me nutz!

The Virus restrictions seem worse now than 11 months ago, simply because the Virus seems worse.  How many new variants will appear?

I haven't received my vaccination and I'm in no hurry.  I don't like how the Pifzer one works on the mRNA...heard too many stories of how a year or more from now, because it messes with the RNA it can cause Lupus, MS and a whole host of other neurological diseases.  I might wait and go with the Johnson & Johnson vaccination--one shot and no attachment to the RNA.

I wonder now, if we are going to have to get a COVID vaccination every fall, because it will change every year, like the flu, and "they" have to try and figure out which vaccine will work the best.   Oh--have you noticed that there hasn't been much flu this winter?  Because we are wearing masks and being more careful about washing our hands.

I haven't felt well since the first of the year.  My legs are very weak, so I have started doing leg exercises, trying to build up my strength.  I walk "funny"...sort of stagger.  I was out shopping one day last month, saw a penny on the pavement, bent over to pick it up and my calves gave out and down I went.  Thankfully, there was a lady nearby who works in a nursing home and knew how to lift me up.

Now, why did I topple over?  I bend over all the time.  To put down the cats feeding bowls.  To pick something up off the floor.  I guess it's because I had just come from grocery shopping and walking all over the store and my legs were weak?

Now, I am battling with Positional Vertigo.  It comes from sleeping flat--which I have done for the last two years.  The crystals inside my ear canals have decided to get all stupid, which results in extreme dizziness to a faint feeling.  I am doing the Epley Maneuver, trying to get them back where they line up correcting in the ear canals and specific instructions:  "Do not lay flat for 48 hours after the maneuver."  Sleeping on a big, puffy pillow, to raise my head, which makes my neck hurt and the reason I have been sleeping pillowless for 2 years.

I haven't seen anyone in the family end of December and no calls from the kids.  I have the grocery store home deliver my groceries, so I don't see Karen...who used to go shopping for me.  The store won't/can't take my food card, so I only order non-food stuff, which is okay.  I get the biggest heaviest quantity of cat litter and food there is---they carry it all into the house for me.  

Life isn't much fun right now and hasn't been in a long time.

So what else is new?

Nuttin' Honey.


  1. Wow, it's been a long time since you've posted so I was glad to see your name pop up on in blog roll. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with a few issues that makes life not so nice right now. I've got to believe it's going to get better by late spring. If nothing else nicer weather will brighten our outlooks.

  2. I have been wondering about you. Glad to see your post. I too suffer from Vertigo. The worst is the first 3 days and still lingers on for 6-7 days. It is horrible. I recently went to a balance clinic and got info about the Eply maneuver. Please be careful, stay safe,strong and careful.

  3. To prevent acid reflux I bought a triangle shaped pillow several years ago and it works great, it elevates my head. I put a regular pillow on top of the triangle shaped one. Maybe that would work for your situation. The one I have is 24 inches long and 8 inches high. I am suspicious of the vaccines and imagine some people will make billions of dollars, well, trillions of dollars if a billion people get the vaccines. But I went ahead and got the first jab of Moderna.

  4. I had a day of vertigo last week that lasted most of the day! I felt like I leaned to the left every time I walked anywhere. I attributed it to the fact that I got water in my ear the day before in the shower. Luckily by the next day it was gone. Just be careful and try to keep your phone on you in case you fall and can't get up yourself!

  5. So good to hear from you!!! Bloggers are so talented that you can write about nothing! Take good care of your health and CALL people you want to talk with!

  6. Vertigo of any type from any cause is no fun which Ive experienced, too. Have to make sure my eustachian tubes are open — you know, like when a change in altitude can make our ears pop. Your situation is different. Must have been scary to fall like that and glad you didn't break anything. Hope things perk up for you.

  7. Nut & Honey is right, but I wonder if you are okay right now! could you just post an update?

  8. Hey, Judy....we're worrying about you. Please let us know how you're doing.
