title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Attended my nephew--my sister Susan's only child, wedding.  They had it out to The Farm, outside under all the 150 year old Maple Trees.  My nephew, Adam, would be 6th generation in our family and nice to have the wedding at the family Homestead.  Very small--about 50 people.

While I was there, got to have our 4 generation photo taken with Madeleine and my youngest great grandson, Benedikt--Beni.  I call him Bug, because he is as cute as a bug's ear.


  1. Nice picture Judy! Little Beni is so adorable!

  2. What a great photo. Glad you had a good time.

  3. That is a very precious photo. I have to tell you I was rereading the genealogy you did for me. I came across the grave stones of some relatives and when I looked at the dates this time it rang a bell in my head as I was reading information about the Pandemic in 1918. The dates of their deaths coincide with the Spanish Flu hitting that area and perhaps explains why the family then picked up and moved. I was so blown away. It couldn't be that coincidental. Just thought I'd share. I still love to look back over the information in my book!

  4. You look so good, Judy. Beni is a dollbaby. x0x0

  5. Keepsake photo! Bug is the perfect nickname!!

  6. Dear Judy, you have the loveliest smile. My smile always looks like a clown's, but you just look so gracious and welcoming. And . . . what a lovely photo of four generation. Peace.

  7. What a handsome boy. It's nice to get a photo like that.

  8. Y'all have such great genes, staying so young looking! Lucky ladies! Ben is a cutie, of course!!

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