title explained

Onward and upward! something that you say in order to encourage someone to forget an unpleasant experience or failure and to think about the future instead and move forward.

My e-mail: jjmiller6213@comcast.net

Sunday, December 20, 2020

 Depression. Have you ever had it?

I don't mean feeling "down" for a few days, but that persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest, that lasts for months.
I've battled it off and on, most of my adult life.
It comes, for no reason and can leave, just as quickly, for no reason.
I felt it coming on last April and thought it was because of the restrictions due to The Virus, but nothing in my physical life had really changed. I don't go out much in my normal life.
It got worse and worse. I loss interest in almost everything. I still had genealogies to work on, thank goodness, but I didn't clean up my house, I didn't eat and I lost 15#. I didn't fill up my bird feeders, I didn't tend to my flower gardens. I was tired all the time. I didn't want to see anyone because, just the effort of talking and trying to concentrate on a conversation, wore me out. I started hoping that I would just die...such a relief that would be. No more worries. No more back aches. Just bliss.
In mid-November, I noticed that I had started feeling better. I had a calm feeling. I wasn't yawning and tired all day. I no longer fell asleep in my chair at 4:00 in the afternoon. I seemed to have a bit more energy and everything just started to "feel fine" again.
I have no idea why, but the depression has seemed to finally go away. Nothing has changed physically--I still am restricted in my going to and fro. My car is still in bad shape. My income is less than my out-go. Thanksgiving with the family was canceled, along with Christmas, but that hasn't bothered me one tiny bit.
I can't explain it, but I feel wonderful!! Thank you God!
I am getting my "Christmas" in bits and pieces. Karen came over Thursday, with lunch, and a gift and we talked for a couple of hours. Then she helped me set up the fairly large humidifier I have and we talked some more.

She is disappointed that we aren't having a family get together and I think what makes it more difficult for her is that her oldest daughter, Helene, with the two children; Della and Harrison, won't allow in person visits. Karen and her husband Mark, went down to see the kids the other day, and they had to talk through the glass storm day. Della cried because she wanted to "hug Grammie" and Harrison cried because he wanted to "kith Gwammie and Papa", so Karen and Mark left. She said they cried half the way home.

I felt so bad for Karen! She said, "Well Mom, I guess you would know what it's like to have your daughter forbid you to see your grandchildren."
<referring back 6-7 years when Jennifer sent me an e-mail telling me I couldn't see her kids anymore>
I said to Karen, "Yes. I know how much that hurts, but this time will pass and you will get to see them and hug them again. At least Helene isn't moving four hundred miles away, and you still get to see and hold Benny." (Her youngest daughter Madeleine's baby.)
My sister and brother-in-law Chuck stopped in on Friday. They brought a bag full of presents. Since I don't have a Christmas tree to put them under--I want to wait until Christmas Eve to open them, Susan suggested I set them up in my rocking chair.

We always get our picture taken together on Christmas Eve--this is what it looks like this year.

Susan said she is going to fold the photo so it looks like we are sitting together

I put the Star ornament she gave me on the top of my "tree".

I am thinking of setting up my camera and taking a video when I open her gifts. Then I can e-mail her the video and it will be like she is here with me.


  1. Depression is hard to deal with. So is anxiety. It seems that a lot of people are experiencing both nowadays. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  2. I give thanks to God for your bouncing back and good feelings.

  3. Good idea about the video.

    I'm glad you are feeling better. Depression is HARD!

  4. A long time ago after my mom passed away and a couple other things were going on I went on depression medication because I could hardly force myself to get out of bed in the morning and it was persisting for months. My doctor told me that depression is an actual physical change in the chemistry of your brain and can come on for no reason and leave just as quickly! It was a hard time in my life and I am glad there was a medication to help me through it. I feel bad for your daughter. The first few months of the pandemic we were afraid of getting anywhere near our grandkids and visited them through the door or on face time. It was rough! I's sure your sister will appreciate the video!

  5. Hey friend. I do indeed know about being depressed band I am so sorry you do, too. Mine has lifted very much, but I don't really talk much about it. I don't know why I am so much more than usual, and I do hope it leaves soon. This has been, like yours, quite a long season of it.
    I'm so glad to hear you are better now and pray you will have a nice Christmas!!

  6. Glad to hear what I think Winston Churchill described as the Black Dog has left you. Expect you've checked into whether or not hormone changes or other could account for it and if meds could help. A friend seems to think barometric changes can set her off sometimes. I do hope you find some joy in Christmas as we all can count our blessings.

  7. Merry Christmas, Judy! I've dropped in from time to time and not commented. So many changes this year! You're always on my heart. I wish you much love.

    1. I've been wondering about you!
      Shoot me an e-mail and explain the last 3 years. LOL
